You are working as a registrar in a hospital. A baby was brought to A&E with severe jaundice on day two of life. Mother haven't received any care in her previous pregnancies. Mother blood group is B negative and baby blood group is O positive. Direct Coombs test is positive. Her first baby was not jaundiced.
What is the most likely cause---
A. Rh incompatibility
B. ABO incompatibility
C. G6PD deficiency
D. Toxoplasmosis
E. CMV infection
Back to Practice Question and Answer--- Foundation of Practice
What is the most likely cause---
A. Rh incompatibility
B. ABO incompatibility
C. G6PD deficiency
D. Toxoplasmosis
E. CMV infection
Back to Practice Question and Answer--- Foundation of Practice
A. Rh incompatibility